The Board of Directors is responsible for the stewardship and management of Glen Echo Park through the Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts and Culture. Accountable to both Montgomery County and the National Park Service, the Board implements the Park’s mission and vision and provides strategic leadership. It is composed of representatives appointed by Montgomery County Government, the Town of Glen Echo, the Bannockburn Civic Association, and at-large members elected by the Board itself which reflect and incorporate the views of the community at large. Board terms range from one to three years based on appointment.


    Board Members Meetings Minutes 990 Forms Annual Reports Join Our Board



    Executive Committee


      Ronda Keys
      Ronda Keys, President
      Montgomery Village, MD
      Assistant Director, Events,
      The Universities at Shady Grove



      Heather Hanson-Rivas
      Heather Hanson-Rivas, Vice President
      Kensington, MD
      First Vice President – Investments, Wells Fargo Advisors



      Mona Kishore

      Mona Kishore, Treasurer
      Glen Echo, MD
      Head of B2B Partnerships,
      Capital One



      Barbara Martin
      Barbara Martin, Secretary
      Bethesda, MD
      Co-Founder and Co-CEO,
      The Brand Guild



      Samir Paul
      Samir Paul, At Large
      Bethesda, MD
      Trial Attorney,
      U.S. Department of Justice



      Dan Hanlon in black suit
      Dan Hanlon, Past President
      Washington, DC
      Retired Director of Planning & CA Services, Loring Consulting Engineers, Inc.





      Philip Bay
      Philip Bay
      Washington, DC
      Senior Consultant, Rushmore Strategic Advisors LLC



      Meryl Bloomrosen
      Meryl Bloomrosen
      Silver Spring, MD
      Senior Informatics and Interoperability Manager, American Medical Association



      Dia Costello
      Dia Costello
      Town of Glen Echo)
      Mayor of Glen Echo and Clinical Social Worker



      Matthew Donizetti
      Matthew Donizetti
      Vienna, VA
      Technical Program Manager & Business Development Automator, Two Six Technologies



      Sharon Freeman
      Sharon Freeman
      Rockville, MD
      President & CEO,
      Gems of Wisdom Consulting



      Andrew Friedson
      Hon. Andrew Friedson
      (Ex-officio, County Council)
      Montgomery County Council



      Chris Fromboluti
      Chris Fromboluti
      Washington, DC
      National Council, Washington University Sam Fox School of Design, Fallingwater
      Advisory Committee



      Swati Gupta
      Swati Gupta
      Potomac, MD
      Business Development Manager, SNG Engineering Inc., and Long & Foster Realtor



      Ken Hartman
      Kenneth Hartman Espada
      (Ex-officio, Montgomery County)
      Assistant Chief
      Administrative Officer

      Mike Manatos
      Mike Manatos
      Bethesda, MD
      President, Manatos & Manatos



      Theresa Nielson
      Theresa Nielson
      Silver Spring, MD
      Managing Broker, TTR Sotheby's International Realty



      Lafe Solomon
      Lafe Solomon
      Bethesda, MD
      Federal Government Labor and Procurement Attorney



      Tisha Thompson
      Tisha Thompson
      Glen Echo, MD
      Investigative Reporter, ESPN



      Michael Walker
      Michael Walker
      Washington, DC
      Management Consultant, McKinsey & Company



      Mier Wolf
      Mier Wolf
      Chevy Chase, MD
      Former Mayor, Town of Chevy Chase; Retired Attorney, Office Of General Counsel at the U.S. Department of Housing and
      Urban Development



      Mike Zangwill
      Mike Zangwill
      Bethesda, MD
      (Representative, Bannockburn)
      President, Mike Zang Design and President, Bannockburn
      Civic Association







      FY 2024-2025 Board Meeting Schedule

      All meetings start at 7:00pm unless otherwise stated. Meetings are open to the public. Virtual agendas contain Zoom details.


      Approved Board Minutes

      FY2025 to dateFY2024FY2023 | FY2022 | FY2021 | FY2020


      Copies of Recent 990 Forms

      FY2023FY2022 | FY2021 | FY2020


      Annual Reports

      View Annual Reports >>



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