6:00pm-8:00pm: Lesson
Would you like to expand your waltz skills by dancing in your partners' shoes? Are you ready for the challenge and complexity of switching back and forth between the lead and follow roles throughout the course of a single song? If so, join Tony Treston and Katherine Anderson for their two-hour Advanced Waltz Workshop: Role Switching. We will begin by exploring the different mindsets and body knowledge necessary to switch to your less familiar role (be it lead or follow), move on to a review of several foundational moves in your novel role, then introduce a series of combinations which allow you to deftly and elegantly switch roles with your partner during the course of a dance. Everyone will lead, everyone will follow. Limited to dancers who are already comfortable dancing folk waltz as either lead or follow. No partner required but encouraged to enable ample practice opportunity. The workshop includes approximately 1 1/2 h instruction followed by 1/2 h supervised practice. $20 per person. Friday, September 6, 6:00-8:00 pm in the Ballroom Back Room (room behind the Spanish Ballroom stage). No advance registration - just show up 15-20 minutes before the indicated start time. More info: waltztimelessons@gmail.com