Join us this Saturday (3/29) from 6pm- 8pm, for a series of Opening Receptions in the Park's Popcorn, Stone Tower, and Park View Galleries. Learn More >>


  • 2:45pm - 6:00pm

    Dancers waltzing in the ballroom


    2:45pm - 6:00pm: Social Dance

    Waltz Time presents an evening waltz dance with live music by the band HANDSPRING with Carrie Rose (flute), Alexander Mitchell (fiddle, mandolin, vocals), Owen Morrison (guitar, piano). Lesson 2:45 to 3:30 pm; live music 3:30 to 6:00 pm. For those attending Hashdance: only $5 to attend the waltz!

    Admission costs $15 per person, $5 for #Dance attendees, students, and children over 5 years. We accept cash and checks (no credit cards). 

    All tickets purchased at the door. 

    More Information >> | Park Map >>

    Presenter: Waltz Time
    Location: Spanish Ballroom
    Admission: $15 per person, $5 full-time students and children and #Dance
    Phone: (301)634-2222