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  • 2:45pm - 3:30pm

    Waltz Time Lessons


    At our Sunday Waltzes, our bands play other folk dances in addition to waltz, including polka, hambo, and schottis. You may have wondered where you can learn these dances. Wonder no more! In addition to the regular beginning waltz lesson, Waltz Time is offering a workshop on hambo at our December 15th waltz, taught by Dan Kahn and Katherine Anderson. Like the beginning lesson, this workshop is included in the cost of a dance ticket. This workshop will run in the Ballroom Back Room, in parallel to the beginner folk waltz lesson. We will make sure the band plays several hambo that day so you can enjoy your new skill!

    Learn More About the Dance >> | Park Map >>



    Presenter: Waltz Time
    Location: Ballroom Back Room
    Admission: Free with ticket to the 12.15.24 Waltz dance