• 2:00pm-5:00pm: Rio de Janeiro-style Music and Dance Event

    Sarau de Samba


    Set in the historic Glen Echo Park and co-presented by EducArte and Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture, Sarau de Samba features a dynamic ensemble of skilled musicians and dancers, showcasing the diverse rhythms of samba, from Golden Age classics and choro to modern pagode and high-energy carnival beats. More than just a performance, this event invites attendees to become part of the music, with opportunities to dance, sing, and even play instruments alongside the professionals. Short beginner dance lessons will be included in each session. The event is open to people of any skill level, no partner or instruments required. All ages are welcome!

    Sarau de Samba é apresentado pela produtora EducArte em parceria com o Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture. Realizado no histórico centro cultural Glen Echo Park, o Sarau de Samba reúne músicos, dançarinos e o público num ambiente amistoso e contagiante.  O evento é aberto a pessoas de qualquer nível de habilidade, sem necessidade de trazer um parceiro de dança ou instrumentos.

    “Vem Pra Perto da Gente Sambar!” (Come Samba With Us!) — Luiz Carlos Da Vila

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      Presenter: Glen Echo Park Partnership for Arts & Culture with EducArte
      Location: Ballroom Back Room
      Admission: $15 adults, $10 teens, $5 children 12 & Under; cash, check, credit card accepted at the door