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  • 8:00pm: Lesson | 9:00pm - midnight: Swing Dance

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    DCLX is pleased to bring you the final DCLXtra of 2024—a special holiday dance featuring Craig Gildner. Join us at the Glen Echo Spanish Ballroom for an evening of dancing, treats, festivity, and live music. 

    8:00pm - 9:00pm: Beginner drop in Lindy Hop lesson (no partner needed-lesson included in the price of admission) 

    9:00pm - 11:59pm: swing dancing to excellent live music 

    Masks are welcome. DCLX will not be checking vaccination status for this event.

    Learn More & Purchase Tickets >> | Park Map >>

    Presenter: DCLX
    Location: Spanish Ballroom
    Admission: $25 presale;$30 at the door (after 7pm); $15 students & military