Join us this Saturday (3/29) from 6pm- 8pm, for a series of Opening Receptions in the Park's Popcorn, Stone Tower, and Park View Galleries. Learn More >>



    Thank you for your interest in photography and/or filming at Glen Echo Park.

    Because the Park is both an arts center and part of the National Park Service (NPS), fairly strict guidelines have been set for photography and filming. Whenever the Park is used in any way in a commercial/professional photograph or film (other than news media coverage), a permit is required and a location fee is charged.

    Note: Photographs taken by professional photographers are considered commercial even when the photographs are for personal use, e.g. wedding or engagement photos. The fact that the photographer is conducting business in the Park makes it a commercial shoot as defined by National Park Service permit regulations. This also applies to photography students and others who would like to conduct a photo shoot in the Park.]

    The National Park Service issues the required permit, which has a non-refundable application fee of $90. Click here to visit the webpage with information and a link to the PDF form. (You will need Adobe Reader to access the form.)  The Glen Echo Park Partnership DOES NOT issue permits.

    Directions for submitting the application to the NPS permit office are on the form. (DO NOT submit forms to the Glen Echo Park Partnership. We do not process permit applications.) If you have general questions or would like more information, please contact Franice Sewell at 703-289-2513. Allow at least 4 business days for a permit application to be processed and the permit issued. In addition, the NPS may charge a location fee (usually $50). You may find more information about NPS photography and filming fees here

    If you would like to film or take photographs inside the carousel building or the Spanish Ballroom, a location fee will also be charged by the Glen Echo Park Partnership. This fee is entirely separate from the NPS permit application fee and any location fees that the NPS might charge. The fee is $150/hour for either location, with a one hour minimum. The Partnership provides staff to open the spaces and monitor the shoot.*  Keep in mind that during carousel season (May – September) the carousel is open to the public from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on weekends; therefore, photo shoots must take place outside these public hours.

    If you do not wish to have access to the carousel or ballroom, but would like to film or take photographs outside on park grounds only, the Glen Echo Park Partnership will not charge a location fee, and you may work directly with the NPS permit office referred to above to apply for a permit.

    For more information, or to schedule a photo or film shoot, please contact Jenni Cloud at

    * Commercial photography/filming is generally not allowed — with the exception of media coverage — when the ballroom or carousel is open to the public. Therefore, non-media photography/filming requests require opening the carousel building or ballroom for a one-time use.

    More information can be found here: