• Glassworks art glass bowl with close up of glass pattern in green and blue

    Watch Glassworks director and instructor Paul Swartwood teach Tommy McFly of NBC4 Washington how to blow glass! See the feature that aired Dec. 19, 2022


    Gallery Hours - Saturdays 12pm - 4pm (March through July)

    Glen Echo Glassworks was the Washington, DC area’s first glass school. Today it continues to provide one of the area's only studios for blown glass instruction, exhibitions, and special programs.

    Under the direction of artist-in-residence Paul Swartwood, classes are offered year round for beginner through advanced students, and open studio time is available for experienced artists. Located in the former Caretaker’s Cottage, the studio is open to the public Saturdays, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m., and by appointment for glassblowing demonstrations and viewing work by Glassworks artists.



    More Information About Glassworks

    Glassworks' Website           Glassworks' Facebook